
全球农业系统的所有参与者——包括各国政府, policymakers, companies, investors, 农民需要找到新的方法来脱碳, protect nature, 解决行业内部的不平等问题. To promote a shared understanding of what Just Transition action looks like in practice, 并支持公共和私人合作, WBCSD, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, and PwC have developed these insights and case studies in consultation with WBCSD member companies and partners operating in the agriculture sector.

Published: 7 Sep 2023
Author: Agriculture & 食品之路,普华永道,包容性资本主义委员会
Type: Insight

向净零排放的成功过渡必须为人民服务. 它必须使所有人受益,并提供繁荣和有抵御力的生计. Sharing the costs and benefits of the transition equitably is key to making the transition a success.

So what does a just transition mean in practice for companies operating in the agricultural sector? From preliminary research and consultations with businesses and farming organizations, 我们为该行业的公司确定了三个关键机会:

  1. 支持农民和农民主导的气候倡议.
  2. 投资数字农业解决方案.
  3. 将农民生计置于范围3减排的中心.

The recently published Agenda for business action from the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality defines Just Transition as 以科学行动应对气候紧急情况,恢复自然, 同时利用这些变革促进共同繁荣. As the agriculture sector contributes toward building a net-zero and nature positive world, 了解和减轻对工人的社会和经济影响, suppliers, 消费者和社区是必不可少的.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism’s 公司行动的Just Transition (JT)框架 provides concrete guidance for businesses of all industries in how to advance a just transition to net-zero emissions, setting out core practices and more ambitious actions that companies can take under four guiding pillars, namely universal net-zero energy, workforce evolution, 社区复原力、协作和透明度.

将这一指导应用于农业独特的转型挑战, we’ve identified three key opportunities for businesses in the sector to advance a Just Transition, 这有助于让所有相关方受益. 我们将在下面详细介绍这些领域,并将它们与《正规博彩十大网站排名》的四大支柱相对照, 依次分为20个积木.

1. 支持农民和农民主导的气候倡议.

这个动作与 Workforce Evolution and Community Resilience pillars of the JT Framework.

Farmers hold a critical position in the economy in that they are able to both mitigate and adapt to climate change at the same time, 例如,采用可再生农业方法. ‘Farmer Led’ does not mean that farmers can solve climate change challenges independently, but that solutions must be farmer-centric and that farmers need to be empowered and supported by wider agricultural value chain actors.

Farmers and farm workers are vulnerable, especially those with small holdings, because of their limited capacity to diversify and scale operations to meet changing market conditions. 它们的利润率通常很低, little relative market power, high upfront input costs, 对气候智能型农业实践的技术知识不足, and constraints to accessing finance. 因为农民对全球粮食供应的安全和质量至关重要, the vulnerability of farmers puts the whole food system at risk in the transition to net zero.

Many companies in the agriculture sector have been investing in strengthening farmer livelihoods for decades, with investments becoming more strategic as the understanding of farmer livelihoods and the transition risks they face matures. 提高经济和社会回报有很多手段, including productivity and yields, strong land tenure, women’s empowerment, control of rising input costs, access to finance and fair prices. Companies within the sector have targeted programs to improve farmer livelihoods and address these levers.

Practical support to empower farmers through farmer-led initiatives can take various forms such as:

  • Incentivizing and rewarding regenerative agriculture practices such as crop rotation.
  • 加强获得财政、技术和教育资源的机会.
  • 创造经济机会,使农民的生计多样化.

 See 案例研究1:世界农民组织的气候变化计划,推动以农民为导向、以科学为基础、以结果为导向的解决方案.

 2. I投资数字农业解决方案.  

这个动作与 Community Resilience and Collaboration and Transparency pillars of the JT Framework.

Digital agriculture solutions have a significant capacity to enable a just transition in agriculture by generating multiple benefits. Benefits to the farmer might include ensuring better adaptation to climate related variabilities, weather changes and pest attacks, improved farm profitability and returns through better farm management and sale of produce. 通过改善农场管理,可以产生与气候相关的效益, 因此减少温室气体排放. 确保农民从事低影响农业也可以对自然产生积极影响.

According to 由世界资源研究所进行的研究 in 2018, by 2050 we will need to produce approximately 60% more food to feed the global population, 如果我们不改变目前的消费以及粮食损失和浪费模式. Digital agriculture solutions are a key enabler to increasing yields while protecting the natural systems agriculture relies upon.

Businesses in the sector can provide leadership in digital agriculture through development of new technological and business model solutions that are climate smart and support farmers. For example, empowering farmers by providing them with high-quality data and optimizing crop inputs. Helping to upskill farmers in the latest technical know-how to address climate change challenges reduces sector emissions and improves farmer livelihoods.

See 案例研究2:OCP的Al moumir计划, employing a scientific approach to provide farmers with bespoke solutions to enable them to make better use of their land and optimize input use. 

3. 将农民生计置于范围3减排的中心.

这个动作与 Universal Net Zero Energy, Community Resilience, and Collaboration and Transparency pillars of the JT Framework.

For companies downstream in the value chain such as food processors and food retailers, 它们的大部分排放物都落入了 Scope 3: indirect value chain emissions. 其中大部分来自农业和农业投入的采购. Nestlé for example, estimates that 95% of its emissions 范围3,71%来自其产品原料来源的活动.

To tackle scope 3 emissions, 企业将需要与其供应链密切合作, monitoring actions to ensure progress is made towards their emission reduction targets. This could, for example, include incentivizing farmers to transition to regenerative agricultural practices that increase the carbon storage capacity of soil as well as improve water storage capacity and soil fertility. 这一转变降低了粮食系统的整体脆弱性, providing value not only to farmers, 而且对整个供应链上的企业也是如此, 最终是消费者和社会.

See 案例研究3:雀巢的收入加速计划, 旨在改善种植可可的家庭的生计, while also advancing regenerative agricultural practices to reduce emissions from cocoa farming.

To further this discussion, 包容性资本主义理事会打算与多边机构合作, 分享这些和其他关于公正过渡行动的最佳实践例子. 这些努力将寻求使政策制定者保持一致, financiers and the private sector around a common understanding of what a just transition really means in practice, and support systemic integration of just transition practices into business as usual for all.

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